Grantee: Luke Rosa

Funding Amount: 40,000 USDC (with up to 50,000 USDC to cover audit costs)

Description: Phase will allow Osmosis users to automate investment strategies while generating yield on their investments. It will be built on top of Osmosis using CosmWasm smart contracts.

Purpose: The first automated investment strategy they will focus on is Dollar Cost Averaging, with others in the pipeline. They're main goal is to have a fully functional and easy to use product that will allow users to maintain yield exposure while de-risking their investment into a token. Phase is also planning on having a token, and they committed to airdrop a portion of their total supply to the Osmosis community.

Execution: The team will start working on the project and June, and will take approximately 3 months to complete.

Payment Structure: 25% upfront / 25% at completion of proof of functional integration for swap and lend / 50% at completion of the project. The audit cost will be covered by the OGP, up to an amount of 50,000 USDC.

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