
With the official launch of the Osmosis Grants Program (“OGP”), we’d like to take a step back and discuss the vision and objectives for the program. While grants programs are not new to this space, they are often loosely defined in their strategic goals. The objective of this document is to shed light on the goals of grants programs and leave the community with a better understanding of the long-term strategic initiatives for the OGP.

Background on Grants Programs and Ecosystem Funds

Outside of liquidity mining, grants programs and ecosystem funds are two of the most common growth strategies we’ve seen employed by DAOs.

Introducing the OGP

The motivation behind the OGP is simple: Osmosis has gained incredible amounts of traction since launch, but it will need growth strategies beyond liquidity incentives to grow market share  long-term. Before proceeding further, it’s worth revisiting what sets Osmosis apart. Osmosis’ competitive advantage lies in its ability to control the full stack, from the blockchain itself to the application layer to the UX and Keplr wallet integration.

Because of its vertical integration, Osmosis can provide more unique and differentiated capabilities than other AMM’s, including native MEV protection, LP specific governance framework, superfluid staking, as well as the smoothest UX of any DeFi application.

Similarly, a grants program for Osmosis can fund initiatives that add value to both the core AMM, as well as the underlying appchain infrastructure. This is differentiated from other grants programs which generally focus on one or the other. With that in mind, the main objectives of the OGP are:

  1. Accelerate ecosystem development by funding projects that build on Osmosis and bring value to Osmosis stakeholders. This approach draws inspiration from the ICF which has already provided billions of dollars of value to the Cosmos community through the airdrops of ICF-funded projects such as Osmosis, Juno, and Evmos, among others.
  2. Fund individuals and teams that add value to Osmosis. The top grant recipients will be encouraged to join the DAO as long-term contributors or service providers.

Below, we’ve included a table that shows OGP’s funding priorities. For a full list of the existing RFPs, please visit the OGP website.


As shown above, there are a huge range of opportunities to accelerate development in areas that drive value to Osmosis. Below are a few high priority examples that we’d like to highlight: