Grantee: High Stakes Switzerland

Funding Amount: $30,000 (in OSMO)

Description: This grant will serve to generate a world map which displays the location of full nodes pertaining to Osmosis and other blockchains in the Cosmos ecosystem, as well as key metrics to assess the performance of each node.

Purpose: This dashboard will allow the community and the core team to visualize the actual decentralization of the Osmosis chain and spot clusters that could put the chain in danger. With such insight, the Osmosis community can coordinate with validators and have them more appropriately scattered around the globe – or simply move around their own delegations so that the voting power is more evenly distributed.

Execution: The team is already at work and will complete the project over the course of an estimated 10 to 12 weeks.

Payment Structure: 33% upfront / 66% at completion of the map of full nodes.

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