We're excited to share another round of approved grants! In this batch, we have selected five grantees with a total of ~$345,000 in funding. As always, you can find more details on this batch of grants in the table below.

Our additional funding proposal for the OGP has passed, so the OGP multi-sig has received another 7.5M OSMO (~$6M at current prices) which will allow us to fund many more high quality projects. Some of these projects are already in the pipeline – we are still working on evaluating them for approval in future batches.

If you have any questions about when payments will be initiated, please refer to our previous post on our stablecoin diversification plan.

On another note, we've posted a thread in Osmosis' Commonwealth forums for grantees in batches 1-3 to introduce themselves to the Osmosis governance community. We encourage all community members to ask questions, provide feedback, and learn more about what the grantees are working on. Look out for a similar thread for batch 4 grantees – it will be posted soon!

Approved Grants