We are thrilled to present the second batch of grants! A total of six grants have been approved over the past two weeks, amounting to ~$300,000 in funding. Please see the table below for the full list of approved grants in this batch.

It's now been four weeks since the official launch of the OGP. With 60+ inbound applications, the Reverie team has been hard at work reviewing proposals and meeting with many different applicants. Some applications are still being scoped out – if successful, they will be announced in the following batches.

Since some RFPs have already been completed – particularly in the Analytics section – we’d like to highlight a few other funding categories from the list. We would love to see more applications from:

  1. Apps that leverage the Osmosis AMM
  2. Infrastructure projects developing the Cosmos SDK and CosmWasm
  3. Research on a variety of topics, such new AMM designs, incentive structures for gas-fee trading, retroactive analyses of Osmosis incentives to help determine where incentives should be directed in the future

Lastly, initial grantee payments will be delayed for some time, likely a few weeks. This is due to US-based recipients needing to receive USDC, and our plan to diversify 50% of the OGP's funds into USDC through an Over-the-Counter trade is still underway. We have identified the counter-party that will execute this trade and are just waiting for the completion of the KYC process before the trade can be finalized. Grantee payments will be initiated only once the OGP has both OSMO and USDC, as we will batch payments together.

Approved Grants