The on-chain proposal for the Osmosis Grants Program has officially passed. The team is now ready to accept applications and get to work!

Apply here.

Our #1 goal is to build and support an active ecosystem of incentivized contributors. We plan to do this by funding projects and initiatives that will add value to the Osmosis protocol. We've created an initial list of RFPs that support this goal. We encourage you to browse these RFPs for inspiration when submitting your applications. Having said that, we are open to funding any projects or ideas that could benefit Osmosis, so you shouldn’t feel like there needs to be an RFP to apply for a grant.

We designed this grants program to be fast and efficient for applicants while still allowing enough time for us to conduct proper diligence. The goal is to have most grants funded within ~2 weeks of applying:

  1. All applications will be reviewed by Reverie. We will reach out to grantees who are a good fit within a week of receiving the application.
  2. Reverie will discuss the application with the applicant to further assess quality, value-add, as well as to sort out the details. The Reviewer Committee will then perform a final review of the application.

Grants will range from $5k-$500k, depending on the scope of the project. We expect grantees to give regular updates on progress, and to answer community questions about their projects.

1,500,000 OSMO have now been transferred to the grants multi-sig. Of that amount, we plan to diversify 50% into USDC through an Over-the-Counter trade. We are contacting multiple desks to get best pricing, and will publicly disclose all trade details once executed. Selling half the funds for USDC will allow the program to be protected against market volatility and pay grantees in USDC if they’re based in the United States.

Finally, please be sure to check the Osmosis Grants Website frequently, as we will be updating it regularly with new information, including new RFPs, blog posts, and a list of funded grants. If you have any questions or thoughts, we encourage you to direct them to the grants channel in the Osmosis Discord.

We look forward to reviewing your applications!